Problems and solutions in learning English
1. Tiếng Anh1.1 Group 4
2. MINUTES OF DISCUSSION GROUPS Student Code Task Self Assessmen assessment t team Trần Thị Thu 12D240020 Hương Nhóm trưởng Tốt 10 Lê Thị Hương 12D240081 Thư ký Tốt 10 Phạm Thị Hương 12D2400 Thành viên Tốt 10 Đặng Văn Hùng 12D240079 Thành viên Tốt 10 Đinh Văn Hùng 12D2400 Thành viên Tốt 9,5
3. Table of content Start Contents -GRAMMAR -LISTENING -SPEAKING -READING -WRITING Conclusions
4. Start The difficulty, the first fire of most people . learning English is the lack of a large enough incentive, a very specific purpose. The second difficulty is that most people are not a reasonable learning methods, no one method in Vietnam known as the standard for all to which that school . A type, each secondary heart beat. The third difficulty is all the lack of an environment to practice the skills learned, long knowledge will be tomorrow.
5. Difficulties . Read Grammar Listen Speaking Writing
6. GRAMMAR 1 English grammar is very large 2 No system, No science 3 You do not have rational way
7. Difficulties School groups, people can correct each other, complementary knowledge for effective long remembered We should buy / download on-line grammatical documents . Grammar should be interpreted carefully and exercise should be done regularly and continuously. The school is very important to challenge yourself by self-study. There should also find an experienced teacher to be able to express their aspirations.
8. Listen 1.Guess more content is to understand the content. 2.Do not hear much English. 3.Not understand what the listening. 4.Not keep up with the speed of the speaker in the test. 5.Meet many new words. 6.See unnerved not hear anything and did not answer the question when the listening end. => Listening is a communication skill that we use in everyday life, but it will be difficult to practice listening skills
9. Overcome One of the school enhance the monologue, and organized group conversation with native speakers. See the film in the original dialog. Listen multiple cassettes specialized in order to learn. Record their own words to hear and compare with the pronunciation of the original tape. .
10. Speaking Still tripping when switching from Vietnamese to English and vice versa. Do not remember vocabulary Environment not to say No more training Not responsive in communication
11. - Learn to pay attention to the pronounciation of english words - Practice from time to time
12. Reading • Mispronounced 1 2 3 • Not said by intonation • Misunderstand the meaning and content guess
13. OVERCOME -Practice pronunciation of new words. -Read books and magazines written in English. -Learn the consonants sounds to memorize the pronunciation. -Read and record the error to mispronounce
14. Writing Difficulties •Do not know much from the new. •Dot on the grammatical structure. •Misused words.
15. SOLUTION Writing paragraph s and compare them with sample text Practice new words every day Writing small dialogues
16. CONCLUSIONS Thus, to learn English effectively, each of us must overcome the challenges in the learning process, creating a passion for learning, said forming new habits as well as constantly changing to a school day more effectively.