ARGENTINA - Buenos Aires
Bill of Loading (MBL/HBL) has to show the Shipper TAX ID number mandatorily
Fumigation required / Original B/L required / Freight collect possible Collect possible
Please be advised that since 3rd of May 2010 arrival day in Argentina, the Argentinean Customs Authorities will implement the following modifications into the manifest information technology submission as per the new law named :
Resolución General de la Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos Nro. 2744/09 which is affecting all (trans)shipments into or via Argentina so herewith explained:
CUIT number : Every Argentinian importer (Consignee & Notifiy) has a Tax Identification Code named C.U.I.T. This number is an unique Tax Identification Code. The new regulation requires that every import shipment into the Argentinian territory, must be show the Tax Identification Code (CUIT)into the field of consignee and notify in both Master B/L and each single HB/L without exception.
NCM (Harmonized Code) – For each single shipment and each commodity the 6 first digits must appear into the each HOUSE bill of lading (not into the MASTER bill of lading)
Please note that if this information does not appear on the documents listed, the Customs will not allow
cargo registration and it will then be blocked. This will result in a Customs Fine which will be billed to origin customer/shipper and will also create a delay which might cause more additional destination charges such
as storage charges