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5 MHS Free
We offer 5 MHS free as welcome bonus!
The offer is limited up to 400 users.
Promotion completed.
The conditions for receiving the bonus:
1. The minimum deposit - 0.18 BTC.
2. The minimum purchase in store * - 15 MHS (* in the market buying power does not count).
3. You can windraw bonus 5 MHS funds from your account, not earlier than 62 days.
4. Withdraw of the sale on the market 5 MHS, probably no earlier than 62 days.
How to get the bonus:
After you have made 1 and 2 conditions you need to write to email bonus@vobmining.com with the theme "5 MHS FREE". In the email you should specify your e-mail, user name.
** Referral program!
You can invite people into our project .You will get additional profit from your referrals. Your profit will depend on the funds contributed by them. There are no restrictions to withdraw funds brought by refferal which got bonus.
*** ATTENTION! Do not submit and do not tell your password for your account, anyone, even the administration of the project.
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