and there is evidence of a gap between what teacher educators say they do and the perceptions of their students (Harber 1997, 84–6). While there have been attempts to introduce more democratic methods into teacher education in at least one African country (The Gambia – Schweisfurth 2002) elsewhere much seems unchanged. The Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project published three case studies from Africa. Without it being the central research focus, each commented on the seeming predominance of lecturer-centred, transmission teaching, an emphasis on recall and a discouragement of independent learning (Akyeampong 2003, viii; Kunje, Lewin, and Stuart 2003, xiii; Lefoka and Sebatane 2003, x). Research in Botswana has also found that lecturer-centred methods tend to predominate in teacher education (Mannathoko 1998; Tafa 2001).