Declaration of Thai Senior Citizens
Declaration of Thai Senior Citizens is the commitment to elevating the standard of living of the elderly and protecting them from abandonment and violation of their rights. The declaration states
1. The elderly are to receive basic necessities of worthy and esteemed life, to be protected from
abandonment and violation of rights without any discrimination, especially in the case of the elderly who cannot rely on their families and themselves and the disabled one.
2. The elderly ought to live with their families with love, respect, care, understanding, support and mutual acceptance of the family member roles so as to cherish the bond of contented co -residing.
3. The elderly should be offered continuous chance of education, learning and developing their potentials, be accessible to the information and social services beneficial to their living, and make understanding of the changes in their surroundings so as to adjust their roles proper to their age.
4. The elderly should pass on their knowledge and experiences to the society, get the opportunity to get the position suited to their age with their own willingness, and be paid fairly to create self-worth and pride.
5. The elderly should be taught about appropriate self-care of health, obtained the insurance, accessible to complete health service equally, and be taken care until the end of their lives that they rest peacefully after their values.
6. The elderly should have roles and take part in activities of families, communities and societies, especially, uniting with their peers and other age groups for exchange and learning of knowledge and goodwill.
7. State, with the participation of private section, citizens and social institutes, need to set the mainpolicies and plans for the elderly, and promote as well as cooperate with the concerned organizations to carry on until fulfilling the goals.
8. State, with the participation of private section, citizens and social institutes, need to enact the law of the elderly to be the warrant and enforcement of right and well-being protection and allocation of the welfare for the elderly.
9. State, with the participation of private section, citizens and social institutes, need to make campaigns and cultivate the social value of respect to the elderly after Thai traditions, which represents the gratefulness and kindness to one another.