They should also promote cooperation and communication among members of the organization, including workers and their representatives, to implement the elements of the organization's OSH-MS, and fulfil the principles of OSH management systems contained in relevant national guidelines, tailored guidelines or voluntary programmes, as appropriate, to which the organization subscribes. There is a need to establish and implement a clear OSH policy and measurable objectives, establish effective arragements to identify and eliminate or control work-related hazard and risks, and promote health at work. Equally important is the need to establish prevention and health promotion programmes, ensure effective arrangements for the full participation of workers and their representatives in the fulfilment of the OSH policy. These is also need to provide appropriate resources to ensure that persons responsible for OSH, including the safety and health committee, can perform their functions properly and to ensure effective arrangement for the full participation of workers and their representatives in safety and health committees, where they exist. A person or persons at the senior management level should be appointed, where appropriate, with responsibility, accountability and authority gor the development, implementation, periodic review, and evaluation and reporting of the OSH management system.