Aim: The purpose of this study was to prepare lamotrigine (LM) bilayered and single layered floating tablets and to comparetheir release profiles. Materials and Methods: LM floating tablets were prepared by direct compression method. Drug,hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose K4M, lactose monohydrate and polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 constitute controlled release layercomponents and floating layer components includes polymers and sodium bicarbonate. The prepared tablets were evaluatedfor physicochemical parameters such as hardness, friability, weight variation, thickness, floating lag time (FLT), floatingtime, in vitro buoyancy study, in vitro release studies. The drug-polymer interaction was studied by fourier transform infraredand differential scanning calorimetry. Results and Discussion: The FLT of all the formulations were within the prescribedlimits (<3 min). When ethyl cellulose was used as floating layer component, tablets showed good buoyancy effect buteroded within 6-8 h. Hence it was replaced with hydroxypropyl cellulose -M hydrophilic polymer, which showed good FLTand floating duration for 16 h. Formulation LFC4 was found to be optimized with dissolution profile of zero order kineticsshowing fickian diffusion. A comparative study of bilayered and single layered tablets of LM showed a highest similarityfactor of 83.03, difference factor of 2.74 and t-test (P < 0.05) indicates that there is no significant difference betweenthem. Conclusion: Though bilayered tablet possess many advantages, single layered tablet would be economical, costeffectiveand reproducible for large scale production in the industry. However, the results of present study demonstrated thatthe in vitro development of bilayered gastro retentive floating tablets with controlled drug release profile for LM is feasible.
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