Creativity and innovation also trigger the performance of employees and facilitated by organizational culture.
Tushman and O’Reilly (1997) in this context stated that organizational culture lies at the heart of organizational
norms that reflects the influence of organizational culture on creativity and innovation. Organizations Culture
can play an important role in creating such an environment that enables learning and innovative response to
challenges, competitive threats, or new opportunities. Thus, creating and influencing an adaptive culture is one
of a manager’s most important jobs (Daft, 2010).
According to socio-technical school (Emery & Trist, 1960), organizational effectiveness depends on both the
technical and social structure of the organization. Some social physiological structure may be superior to others
for both employee satisfaction and productivity. Organizational effectiveness results when there is congruence
between social and technical organizational dimension. Organizational productivity is achieved through
employee satisfaction and attention to workers physical and emotional needs (Likert 1961). Akin and Hopelain
have (1986) discussed about the crucial relationship between organizational culture, employee performance and
productivity in their research on organizational culture and productivity; and introduced “culture of productivity”
where they illustrate the components of a productive culture such as efficient people, job identification,
teamwork, trust and support etc are determined by knowledge of job and the performance. Akin and Hopelain
(1986) also argue that a culture of productivity is based on three basic structures and they are: legibility (clarity),
coherence (integration of the elements of work) and open-endedness (adaptability to change).