Lesson COG 68
Task: Identify adjectives.
Prerequisites: COG 63, S&L 7
Concept: Although some reading skill, such as "read a newspaper article" (COG 63), is recommended as a prerequisite, the primary focus of this activity is to develop an understanding of the concept of adjectives. Adjectives describe and add more mean-ing to a noun. Teaching a student the use and identification of adjectives can increase both verbal and reading skills, which is the intended outcome of this lesson.
Behavioral Objective: When shown an article of interest to the student, the student will verbally identify at least five adjectives contained in that article to a 90% accuracy level for 20 trials.
Materials: Objects of interest to the student, brief articles with topics of interest to the student, and a highlighter marker.
Task Analysis:
1. Beginning with items or objects known to be of interest to the student, discuss specific adjective descriptions of each item, such as the color, size, or texture.
2. Continue Step 1, verbally prompting the student to imitate the descriptive words that have been used.
3. Reduce imitative prompting, substituting questions such as, "What color is this?" or "Is this smooth or rough?"
4. Using an article of interest to the student, highlight each of the adjectives in the article. Have the student read each of the highlighted words. Discuss with the student the meaning of these words.
5. Continue Step 4, reducing the use of the highlighter until it is no longer needed. Continue this step until the objective is met.