a b s t r a c t
Gluten-free (GF) based products have been studying for several years especially for quality improvement
by enriching with proteins. A common protein source is egg albumin, but it has limitation for using
causes of allergenic character. So, aim of this study was to replace egg albumin by rice bran protein
concentrates which is a non-allergy protein in order to improve the quality of GF bread. Rice bran, a byproduct,
was used as starting material for rice bran protein concentrate (RBPC) preparation under
alkaline-acid extraction technique. The obtained RBPC was composed of 68.07 ± 0.54% protein (dry
basis). For baking trials, the addition of RBPC had strongly influenced the rheological properties, especially
elastic modulus (G0) of GF batters during oscillation, and the relative elasticity of final GF breads.
Breads enriched with 2% RBPC, and a combination of 1% egg albumin and 1% RBPC had the highest
specific volume (P < 0.05). Additionally, crumb porosity and sensory attributes were improved. RBPC also
showed higher efficacy to inhibit bread staling than egg albumin. This study suggested that RBPC could
be used as a protein source for GF bread.
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