I'd rather do things:
a) the right way than cut corners to increase efficiency
b) efficiently and successfully than perform perfectly
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
Generally, people:
a) mean well, but don't really understand me
b) are inconsistent and wavering in their support
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
Generally I'm motivated to:
a) perform well individually
b) help the whole team achieve its goals
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
Generally I:
a) accept people and their actions as they appear
b) am wary of other people's real feelings towards me
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
Sometimes it bothers me when people:
a) don't appreciate what I've done for them
b) ignore my personal work and achievements
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
Other people perceive me as being:
a) successful and admirable
b) unusual and original
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
a) believe justice is a higher value than friendship
b) am loyal to and supportive of my friends even when they are wrong
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
My motto could be:
a) nothing succeeds like success
b) live for the moment
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
It is more important to me to be:
a) merciful; everyone deserves a second chance
b) just; rules apply equally to everyone
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I often feel:
a) isolated and different from other people
b) a sense of unity with other people
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
The world would be a better place if people:
a) had a stronger desire to do the right thing
b) weren't concerned with superficial values
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I spend much of my time:
a) trying to help other people actualise themselves
b) trying to find my own unique niche in life
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
In social encounters I'm generally:
a) open to others' suggestions
b) active in reaching out to others
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
When confronted with a problem I tend to:
a) let my convictions and beliefs guide my actions.
b) analyze the problem so as to better understand its nature
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
It is important to me to:
a) understand my feelings; I spend a lot of time looking inward
b) get things done; I don't spent much time looking inward
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
Generally, people are too:
a) carefree and irresponsible
b) rigid and uptight
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I am generally:
a) cautious and methodical; I sometimes doubt my ability to perform well without preparation
b) impulsive and reckless; I sometimes pay the price for acting rashly
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I don't mind it when others:
a) behave inappropriately or irresponsibly, so long as they don't try to control me
b) are in a position of power over me, provided I agree with their beliefs and convictions
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I maintain my independence by being:
a) reclusive; I avoid taking on obligations
b) assertive; I make sure others have little control over me
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I am:
a) principled and like to stand up to others in defense of what I believe is right
b) easy-going and have no trouble accepting other people's point of view
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
When faced with others' agendas, I generally:
a) remain detached; I wish others would leave me to my own devices
b) go with the flow; I don't mind letting others people make decisions
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
Sometimes my:
a) desire to help others leads me to intrude against their wishes
b) need for personal space leads me to withdraw from others too soon
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
One of the things I like about being with people is:
a) the feeling of closeness and support
b) the enjoyment of collective activity
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I appreciate knowing that:
a) I play an important part in others' lives
b) others are there for me when I need them
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
Generally I:
a) rely on others for support when I feel they have my best interests at heart
b) feel that I alone know what's best for me and rely only on myself
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I find that people's problems tend to stem from:
a) being incompassionate and not caring enough for others
b) being unable to loosen up and have more fun with life
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
My plans are usually:
a) well-defined; I'm direct and don't waste time in fulfilling my goals
b) tentative and often change when something more promising comes up
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I have a tendency to:
a) over-extend myself; I take on too many obligations out of a desire to do more for others
b) control others; I direct people's actions because I feel I know what's good for them
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I prefer a lifestyle that's:
a) fun and full of new discoveries
b) steady and relaxed
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I prefer to:
a) live in my own world of ideas and concepts, even at the cost of outward success
b) retain a strong, practical hold on reality and what it takes to succeed
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I have a tendency to be too:
a) aggressive and confrontational
b) peaceful and withdrawing
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
When presented with a painful situation I:
a) search deep inside myself for the answer to my turbulent emotions
b) minimize my feelings and attempt to deal with the situation rationally
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I value success for the:
a) prestige it bestows on me
b) independence it affords me
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
a) don't mind, sometimes even enjoy, my melancholic moods
b) see no reason to dwell on negative emotions when there is so much fun in life
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
I generally:
a) know what I want and do my best in going after it
b) have a hard time making decisions, especially when I'm with people
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
When faced with a problem I can't easily solve I tend to:
a) withdraw for the moment so I can analyze it further
b) turn to others for support and guidance
strongly a moderately a no preference moderately b strongly b
The following section is for statistical purposes only and is optional. However, it would be greatly appreciated if you would take the time to fill out the questions. All data is completely anonymous.