Skinners’ contributions are important not only because
of his findings, but because of the volume of his work and
the areas it covers. Because of his contributions, Skinner
can be considered one of the antecedents of BM since part
of his work and contributions came before BM was
developed and/or influenced it’s development. On the other
hand, and of no less importance, his developments came
during the rise of BM in which he collaborated in a decisive
manner, (including giving BT its name1; Skinner, Solomon
and Lindsley, 1953). Lastly, developments continued when
BM was already established as such, making Skinner an
inspiration to, and alma mater of, one of the most important
orientations of BM: Applied Behavior Analysis.
Skinners’ contributions are important not only becauseof his findings, but because of the volume of his work andthe areas it covers. Because of his contributions, Skinnercan be considered one of the antecedents of BM since partof his work and contributions came before BM wasdeveloped and/or influenced it’s development. On the otherhand, and of no less importance, his developments cameduring the rise of BM in which he collaborated in a decisivemanner, (including giving BT its name1; Skinner, Solomonand Lindsley, 1953). Lastly, developments continued whenBM was already established as such, making Skinner aninspiration to, and alma mater of, one of the most importantorientations of BM: Applied Behavior Analysis.
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