Material s and Methods
The experiment was carried out in the farmer’s field in the village of Arazi
Postompur near the Regional Sugarcane Research Station (RSRS) of Bangladesh
Sugarcane Research Institute under the sadar thana of Thakurgaon, a northern
district of Bangladesh during the period from November, 1998 to March, 1999. The
experimental area is situated between 25040' and 26012.5' North latitude and
88039’ and 88045' East longitude.
The land topography is medium high land and the soil belongs to the Old
Himalayan Piedmont Plain. Texturally the soil of the experimental field is silty loam
having 49.64 per cent sand, 30.00 per cent silt and 20.36 per cent clay. The
average bulk density of the soil is 1.43 gm/cc. The soil is slightly acidic with pH
value 5.34 having organic matter 1.155%.
Graphical representation of 10-days mean of daily pan evaporation (P),
relative humidity (R.H.) and temperature (T) during the crop period are shown in