It's the fourth day of the tournament.
There's a break before the finals, five days from now, and the fight
between the 1st Years in the Newcomer's Battle will take place in the
So far the results stand with First High being at number one with 320
points, Third High being at number two with 225 points, and the
positions of third place and below being a wild free-for-all between
the other schools. The difference between first and second place is a
massive 95 points. However, the battle is such that even that point
difference could potentially be reversed if Third High is able to win
the Newcomer's Battle by a large margin, which for them is not
impossible. Conversely, even if First High doesn't manage to win, yet
they avoid a huge difference in points, final victory would still be
The aim for every school is overall victory, but in this case, as only
half the points gained from the Newcomer's Battle will be added to the
overall ranking, to the competing 1st Years what they are fighting for
in the Newcomer's Battle is their own glory. The spirit in these
matches is in no way inferior to the finals themselves.
The order is the same as the finals.
Today's events are Speed Shooting (Qualifier, Finals) and Battle Board
They differ from the finals in that the schedule for Speed Shooting
includes the women's event in the morning and men's in the afternoon,
with everything being finished in one stretch (the reason being that the
Speed Shooting finals is carried out straight after the opening
ceremony, and there's no way to finish everything by the morning.)
Not just Speed Shooting, but CAD adjustment cannot be carried out in
the middle of any event, so the major work of fine tuning whilst
listening to the contestants' specifications is done by the engineers in
between matches.
That's why engineers are basically always around the players they're
responsible for during the match. In order to ensure as much as
possible that contestants from the same school in the same
competition are not competing at the same time, the Convention
Committee have made numerous adjustments to the timetable.
However, in events like Crowd Ball where many matches would occur
in a day, overlaps can't be helped, and engineers would often be paired
as a duo of main and sub.
This can occur even in the same competition, and one engineer cannot
be responsible for another match occurring at the same time.
Even if that match ostensibly occurs at an unrelated time.