The frame size results obtained from the riding experiment
were calculated to obtain the arithmetic averages, thus providing
the average sizes for every height range in each riding posture. The
results of frame size for different height ranges in each riding
posture obtained based on the experimental results are listed in
Table 2, enabling the user to find a suitable frame size for the
required bike type in accordance with his or her height.
Based on the data results measured in the experiment, this
study further calculated the average frame size for common bicycle
types by using the arithmetic average to calculate the average
frame size of each dimension range. For example, the common
average frame size of a racing bicycle for men was obtained as
follows: based on the experimental results of male testees in the
racing bike posture, the average bicycle frame size ridden by all
testees within the height range of 165e185 cm was calculated. In
addition, since in most bicycle designs, the position of the saddle
can be adjusted upwards or downwards, this study used the highest
point of the saddle as the maximum value, and the lowest point as
the minimum value in the design. The average frame sizes for three
bicycle types for males and females in all height ranges are listed in
Table 3. Based on these results, the frame size of a male's common
bicycle type, as shown in Fig. 11, could be calculated. The average
size could be used in the frame size design of various bicycle types
to obtain the frame size suitable for most users.
Lastly, to verify the accuracy of the frame size of each bicycle
measured in the actual riding experiment, one testee from each
height range was directed to ride each bicycle for verification. For
example, for male testees within the testing height range of
165e170 cm and for verification of the racing bicycle, the average
frame size should be as follows: distance from the saddle to the
ground: 83.8 cm; distance from the crank center to the ground:
25.0 cm; distance from the handlebar to the ground: 73.4 cm;
distance from the handlebar to the saddle: 64.8 cm; and, distance
from the saddle to the crank center: 21.3 cm. Therefore, the bicycle
frame was adjusted to fit to the above requirements, and a tester
within the height range of 165e170 was asked to ride the racing
bicycle again for 10 min for verification. After riding, the testee was
requested to describe the comfort score, the parameters of which
were as follows:
(1) Comfort score of the distance from the saddle to the ground
(2) Comfort score of the distance from the handlebar to the
(3) Comfort score of the distance from the handlebar to the