Information on the resources and procedures of KNAB reveals the following:
KNAB has 15 full time staff members, of which 5 are involved in the QMS/EMS accreditation program. These 5 staff comprises a manager responsible for both QMS and EMS, 2 assessors and 2 administrative staff. The other 10 staff members are assigned to the laboratory accreditation and product accreditation programs.
In addition, KNAB engages external assessors to conduct some of the assessments. One of the assessors is also a part time auditor of a certification body which is not accredited by KNAB. KNAB offers accreditation to all 39 NACE Codes for its QMS scheme but does not have any scoping for its EMS scheme.
On receipt of an application, one of the administrative staff will check that the application form has been duly completed and relevant documents, as required by the application form submitted. If the application form and accompanying documents are found complete, the administrator will appoint an assessment team from the list of assessors (full time and external), request the assessors to proceed with the document review and then inform the applicant certification body of the team composition.
After the document review has been completed, the assessment team will make the necessary arrangements to conduct the office assessment. During the office assessment, the assessment team will arrange for witnessed assessments to be conducted. The file review of selected clients revealed that if the certification body does not have any initial or re-assessments visits currently available for witnessing, the KNAB assessment team will selects a surveillance visit as a replacement