ASIAN SURVEY, VOL. No. 4, jULY /AUGUST 2003 The dramatic growth in pary size is limited to a single in the 2001 lection, and has not benefited other large parties. After a decade with the wo largest parties nearly egial in size, in 2001, the Thai Rak Thai party grew o double the size of the second largest party. Also interesting is the general rend we see in the growth e largest parties since 1988. Part of he reason for this growth is the departurg the miliary trom the cabine in hat year. This meant more rewards for viv Ilan poliucians, and made it pos ible for the structure to support larger factions and larger parties. Another actor driving the grow uh of parues and factions through the 1990s was con over the Ministry of the lulenor. With the ministry then responsible for he land department, the public works department, the department of town nd country planning, the prisons department, provincial and metropolitan ater works and electricity, the National Housing Authority, the Expressway