The results obtained allowed concluding that drying of
S. Bartolomeu pears affects the free amino acid profile,
increasing Pro content and decreasing Asx and Glx.
Although the proteic amino acid profile was not significantly
modified with the drying process, a loss of the
relative content of Lys is observed. This loss is related with
the increase in the amount of furosine, CML and CEL
formed during the drying process.
Although all drying methods tested promoted the
increase in the amount of CML, CEL and furosine, this
increase was higher in the case of the traditional sun-drying
and greenhouse processing, where the fruits presented
reddish brown colour and lower for the hot air tunnel
processing, where the fruits became yellow-orange. These
results allow to conclude that the drying processing of
S. Bartolomeu pears promotes Maillard reactions, possibly
contributing to the characteristic reddish brown colour of
this product. These reactions are formed under conditions
of pH, temperature and moisture that promote the development
of this characteristic colour.