Ergonomics has been described as the science that deals with adjusting the work environment, tools, task, and equipment to fit with the employee physical capability and limitations.[3] The goal of ergonomics is to reduce the risk of work-related injury at workplaces.[3] When properly applied to workplace environment and tasks, it has been reported to promote efficiency of the employee, improve productivity, and ultimately contribute to achievement of organizational goals.[3] Improving worker productivity and occupational health and safety at workplaces are current global concerns.[4] Poor adherence to safety practices has been reported as a contributing factor to occupational-related infections in several Nigerian studies.[5,6] In most clinical settings in Nigeria, safety which is practiced is often focused on eliminating contact of personnel with infectious agents through the routine use of personal protective devices such as hand gloves, laboratory coats, and face masks, while paying little or no attention to other elements that may not necessarily cause an infection, but have the capacity to compromise the health of the worker. Medical laboratory personnel working in a laboratory with poor application of principles of ergonomics have increased risk for the development of work-musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs),[7] which could adversely affect his performance on the job, quality of test result, and ultimately patient's management and care.