My beloved wife ,I am glad to hear from you once again dear and I am happy to read your messages... You are so nice to me and I do appreciate your honesty for Me, I love the way you are my dear. And I really thank God for meeting you here. I adore you dear and ready to accept you in my life if you give me the Chance.
My mind is full of joy knowing you. I am pleased to know you and willing to come over to meet you or invite you here in UK. I am making arrangements to travel to Malaysia in future. But still waiting for the letter from the agent company there so that I can know when I will be leaving. I want to let you know why I want to be in Asia because you are now like a family and close friend to me now (smile) .
It is all about my late father's contract there in Malaysia. He was awarded a contract there few years ago but after finished up with the contract, the money could not be paid to him before he died. In this regards might be traveling there soon and they needed me as my father’s next of kin. After some prayers and petitions, the company has decided to pay back to us the money.
This is why I am making arrangements to get the money released to me and it would be an honor to use this opportunity and come over to meet you in person after I have concluded with my transactions in Malaysia. So that we may sit down together, talk one on one and know each other better, discuss a lot together about our future and share our feelings. I have realized that you are honest and serious. If God want us to be together, no matter how long we have known each other, nothing can stop us.i love you so much