Sources and Guides If an entrepreneur is searching for a venture capital investor, a good place to start is with Pratt's Guide to Venture Capital Sources, published by Venture Economics, as well as
the ventureone Web site, two of several directories ot venture capital firms. Entrepreneurs also can seek referrals from accoun¬tants, lawyers, investment and commercial bankers, and businesspeople who are knowledgeable about professional investors. Especially good sources of information are other entrepreneurs who have re¬cently tried, successfully or unsuccessfully, to raise money.
Sometimes professional investors find entrepre¬neurs. Rather than wait for a deal to come to them, a venture capital investor may decide on a product or technology it wishes to commercialize and then put its own deal together. Kleiner Perkins used this ap¬proach to launch Genentech and Tandem Computer Corporation, as did Greyloek and J. H. Whitney in starting MassComp.