Charity Donations
Dear Parents,
We would like to thank you for kindly supporting Amnuay Silpa's local charity here in Bangkok, the R.U.T.H Centre.
Our event in December was a great success. Your toys and clothing were greatly appreciated by the young children and elderly people, whom the R.U.T.H Centre supports and helps.
Please take a few minutes to look at your child's classroom blog, where you can view photographs of the children and elderly people receiving your generous donations during our Christmas holidays. You will also be able to view these photograph in our charity display shortly, located on the left hand side of the ground floor corridor as you approach the Primary Adventure Playground.
I am excited to announce that we are holding our second donation event. This time we are asking for families of Amnuay Silpa to donate old books that are not being using anymore. These can be Thai language books for adults, and also English and Thai books for children. As the elderly people do not read English we do not need English books for them.
We would also appreciate the following donations:-
pencil cases, colouring pencils and colouring books for young children.
We are also asking for your generosity in donating necessities for daily living. These should be brought into school in a cardboard box or container as follows:-
canned fish, noodles, fish sauce
cooking oil
juice, tea, coffee, powdered milk.
All types of donations can be left in the entrance by Admissions and the flip gates. You can begin to bring in donations from Monday 15th February 2016. Please note the last day for donations: Monday 22nd of February.
On Wednesday 24 members of the Primary Phase Student Council will travel to the main office of the R.U.T.H Centre, where a group of between ten and fifteen elderly people will be there to accept our donations.
Again, we would like to thank you for your kind support last December. With continued generosity from our whole school community we are confident that this current event will also be a great success. We believe that can make a significant difference to these people's lives, which is very rewarding for our whole school community.
Kind regards,
Fiona Davies
Headteacher of Foundation Phase and Primary School
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Exchange Received: 10/02/2016 [09:43]