I want to study in Japan because I believe it will improve my knowledge and skill of things that I interest and it will be the great opportunity for me to get a new experience to my life. I also want to bring knowledge skill and experience to develop myself and my own society.
Japanese language is what I consider to be the most important thing that I want to learn in Japan. Because Japan is a culture’s leader of the world, especially in term of economic and trade. Thais and Thailand, as a culture’s receiver from other countries, are supposed to understand the thought and ways of living of that countries. In order to understand that we have to understand language which are the cultural - transfer tool.
Beside the language, I want to study the Japanese’s history. Since Japan now is one of the most civilization country in the world in every dimension. But in like 5-6 decade ago this whole country were suffer from war. The most unbelievable thing is how the country can survive from that and develop themselves and finally turn to be the real winner. I wish to learn how did they do that through their history. I also want to apply the way that Japanese use to my own country.
My large main purpose of study in Japan is to study Psychology. Even though I’m in a faculty of Sociology and Anthropology but my interest is on Psychology. If you see my transcript you’ll see that I did good in the field I love. I’m thinking of the up-to- date Psychology testing equipment that University in Thailand can’t effort to have and hope to learn Psychology in Japanese perspective.
I have heard about order and nationalism of the Japanese. I have heard that this country is developed in not only technology but mind also. I never doubt all that. I only want to have a change to be a part of it for once.
After finished the short-term study, I’ll come back in Thailand and finished my bachelor’s degree. After that I wish to get a scholarship for higher level of education in Japan. I wish to study Master degree in Japan but without the scholarship, my family will not be able to support me to study aboard and I tend to go future study in Thailand.