when traveling in cities, i used to worry about being pickpocketed then i learned how pickpockets do it. that taught me how to prevent it from happening to me.
so how do they do it?
well to begin with, they look for someone on the street who has stopped to look at buildings or people. that's one of the reasons tourists are an easy mark.
then what happens?
the pickpocket will often pretend to bump into the victim by accident. he might act as if he's drunk. he may ask where you're from, act really friendly, and try to shake your hand.
then what?
at this point, he may hug you. or he might pretend to lose his balance and fall against you. like this (falling over).
then what?
that's it. you've let your guard down, and consequently. he's nabbed your wallet.
are you kidding? come on. my wallet couldn't possibly be stolen that easily.
are you sure?
i'm positive.
then what's this in my hand?
my wallet!