While SBIRT is a comprehensive, integrated process, studies
examining the full continuum of SBIRT services are largely absent
from the literature. We note that the majority of the studies we
identified in this review of the literature focus on a sub-component of
SBIRT, with most assessing screening and brief interventions (SBI) or
brief motivational interviewing (BI/BMI). While outcome measures
varied from substance use behaviors, to attitudes, to adverse
consequences of use, the present review focused on substance use
outcomes. Interestingly, none of the studies identified in our
adolescent SBIRT literature review focused on the referral to
treatment (RT) aspect of SBIRT, mirroring the dearth of RT-focused
research among adult populations.
After categorizing RCTs based on the implementation setting
(primary care, emergency department, school, other), we summarized
the RCTs based on seven characteristics: (1) the sample size and
geographic location of the study; (2) the substance targeted (alcohol,
illicit drugs, or both), (3) the screening instrument employed; (4) the
conditions or arms in the RCT; (5) the outcome variable(s) and
assessment(s); (6) the follow-up period; and (7) whether the brief
intervention was found to be effective.