The local nonprofit blood bank has asked your university to prepare a public relation campaign for a university-wide blood drive next semester. The blood mobile will be on campus for donations one week next semester. The university has asked your chapter of the Public Relation Student Society of America to do campaign. You have been given the responsibility fir conducting the research prior to the development of the campaign.
The person in charge has asked you to find answers to questions like these:Where would you find information on blood drives, blood banks, and blood donors? Who are your publics? How would you find out what they know about giving blood from experience, or what their attitudes are about donating blood? How would you find the most effective media to reach these publics? How would you decide what your message should be? What kind of questions do you need to ask in your research? Design a formal survey research plan to answer the questions, including who would you sample, how many participants you would need, and how you would administer the survey. Write the questions for the questionnaire.