Unless they're watching an exercise program, your family's television viewing habits may be bad for their health-and waistliness. Health-education specialist Larry Tuker, ph.D., of Brigham Young university, in Provo, Utah, screened more than 6,000 adult males' TV viewing habits. His findings confirmed what has practically become conventional wisdom too much TV can make you fat. Men who watched over three hours of television a day were more than twice as likely to be obese as were men who watched less than one hour a day Research with women and children has demonstrated similar direct links between hours of TV viewing and weight. "Besides working and sleeping, Americans spend more time time watching TV than doing any other activity, "says Tucker. "Watching TV is the most passive pastime we have. Sitting around the the television-in some cases for up to twenty hours a week-expends zero energy." Tucker encourages families to consider TV-watching habits a health issue akin to nutrition or smoking. At the beginning of the week, plan a reasonable amount of TV time allowed for each family member. When the show you originally planned to watch is over, turn off the set to avoid getting hooked into watching the next show.