“Hello, Everyone I’m Cheren that’s a great time. I selfie camera video for the first time. I’m so excited. Today not anything because it’s the first time. OK!! See you later. Good bye…”
Cheren is the cute girl in her family .She always smile and enjoy with them. She is popular in school.
“Cheren!! Wake up now! “
She very tried. But she must wake up now.
“Oh!! This time I must go to school.”
She is hurrying wake up .When she is seeing a clock on the wall in bedroom. After that She manage routine and run down from the top floor and pick some bread on the table. She’s running very quickly to the bus stop.
She goes to school by bus at 7 AM every day. Which she must walk to the bus stop before late 6.30 AM.
“Oh!! It’s very tried.”
Finally. She is sitting here.