Remark. AZn example of this theorem is given by Fig 13.2, where n=11, m=13, f=4, and n-m+f=11-13+4=2.
Proof. The proof is by induction on the number of edges of G.
If m=0, then n=1 (since G is connected) and f=1 (the infinite face).
The theorem is therefore true in this case.
Now suppose that the theorem holds for all graphs with at most m-1 edges, and let G be a graph with m edges.
If G is not a tree, let e be edge in some cycle of G.
Then G-e is a connected plane graph with n vertices.
m-1 edges, and f-1 faces,so that n-(m-)+(f-1)=2,by the induction hypothesis.
It follows that n-m+f=2, as required.