Table 2. Student Objectives
Demonstrate appropriate interprofessional
communication and teamwork
Develop strategies for managing interprofessional
conflicts and issues
Conduct and report on a root cause analysis related to a
medication error
Student directions:
This module requires that you work collaboratively with
a team consisting of 4-5 NP colleagues and 4-5 pharmacy
colleagues to develop a live group in-class presentation.
All team members will receive the same grade. The
presentation will consist of describing the situation in the
case study, reporting on the results of your root cause
analysis of the medication error, and demonstrating
appropriate interprofessional communication related to
the error. Each group has a maximum of 20 minutes for
the presentation and creativity and use of technology are
Student resources:
1. Maxfield et al. (2005). Silence Kills: The seven crucial
conversations for Healthcare, VitalSmarts and
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (report of
a large-scale survey of health care workers that
identified crucial conversations that decrease errors in
health care)
2. Good and bad communication video (instructor made
video that modeled conversations between an NP and
a pharmacist)
3. JCAHO root cause analysis form
4. Instructor-made video describing root cause analysis