In conclusion, the use of TIS-improved bamboo mi- cropropagation enhances both, shoots proliferation and growth. The in vitro B. vulgaris shoots grown in 6.0 μM BA, had a lower water and greater phenol and lignin content than the other groups. The concentration of 6.0 μM BA was most appropriate for B. vulgaris shoot proliferation in TIS, since the number of NS was higher than in those cultured in static liquid culture medium. In the future, strategies such as the addition of osmotic agents such as polyethylene glycol, as well as CO2 supply to the vessel and the use of forced ventilation may play an important role in improving bamboo plant quality without compromising the number of shoots achieved in this BA treatment. The Bambusa vulgaris shoots grown in static liquid culture medium with 12.0 μM BA and the highest concentration in BA (18 μM) in TIS had numerous anatomical defects and physiological disorders. The results of the current study provide, for the first time, information on the rapid and successful propagation of B. vulgaris by TIS.