Almost all CSA is collaborative to some degree,
since CSA producers generally cooperate with
other area producers at least informally to obtain
products to compensate for crop losses, offer
other locally grown specialty products, or to do
a favor for fellow local producers by providing
them with an instant, if not occasional, market.
For the purpose of this study, we focused on
CSA in which multiple producers collaborate to
provide food or fi ber products to members of
a CSA for which no single producer (or family)
has sole responsibility—while at the same
time recognizing that a complex continuum
of collaboration exists within the CSA model.
In other words, we focused on CSA in which
decision-making is horizontal rather than
vertical, a process that is shared between at least
two producers. We found that although each
cCSA participating in this study approaches
decision-making differently, they all enable
producers to share risk, share information, offer
a wider variety of local products, and serve a
larger and more varied market
Almost all CSA is collaborative to some degree,since CSA producers generally cooperate withother area producers at least informally to obtainproducts to compensate for crop losses, offerother locally grown specialty products, or to doa favor for fellow local producers by providingthem with an instant, if not occasional, market.For the purpose of this study, we focused onCSA in which multiple producers collaborate toprovide food or fi ber products to members ofa CSA for which no single producer (or family)has sole responsibility—while at the sametime recognizing that a complex continuumof collaboration exists within the CSA model.In other words, we focused on CSA in whichdecision-making is horizontal rather thanvertical, a process that is shared between at leasttwo producers. We found that although eachcCSA participating in this study approachesdecision-making differently, they all enableproducers to share risk, share information, offera wider variety of local products, and serve alarger and more varied market
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