From this evolving awareness there appears a sense of integrity and harmony that manifests itself in our life through our connection with Tribawana. (The traditional Indonesian batik motif semen, which means “to sprout or grow,” exemplifies this concept. The semen motif may have a white as well as a black background, which respectively portrays the seen and unseen world. Semen also symbolizes, Tribawana, the interconnection between humans, the universe and the world of light or the source of creativity.) Creativity that results from this interconnection to behavior enables creative energy to be channeled into any type of activity, anywhere, as long as the behavior has integrity. The central voice of creativity that exists within all humans has the potential to be awakened in all actions. It is simultaneously a journey in a singular and in a collective process that gives a pure voice to creativity. Agus Ismoyo - Nia Fliam