somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from
leaf callus ofOcimum basilicumL
A effective protocol for complete plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis has been developed forOcimum basilicumL.
Callus was initiated from leaf explant of young plant onMurashige and Skoog’s medium (MS) (1962)supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) 1.0 mg l
−1, 3% sucrose and 0.9% agar. The calli showed differentiation of globular structure
embryos when transferred to MS medium containing 2,4-D 0.5 mg l
−1 and BAP 1.0 mg l−1.
The maximum globular structure
embryos were further enlarged and produced somatic embryos in MS basal medium supplemented with BAP 1.0 mg l−1+NAA 1.0 mg l−1 + KN 0.5 mg l
Continued formation of globular embryo and germination of embryos occurred in this medium.
Complete plantlets were transferred onto specially made plastic cup containing soilrite followed by their transfer to the garden
soil. Survival rate of the plantlets underex vitrocondition was 80%.
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