Basically, every muscle in the body can ache. Most commonly, myalgia occurs but in the form of shoulder pain, neck pain and back pain. This tense, painful muscles (so-called Myogelosen) accompany many people in their daily lives, triggered by driving a car or prolonged sitting in front of the computer. In addition, muscle pain show in the context of various infectious diseases. In rare cases infected diseases behind the stabbing, convulsive and be pain that can affect the muscle itself, the skeleton or the nervous system.
What treatment for muscle pain is used, depends on the specific cause. Therefore, there is the most important step to diagnose it, to find out the original trigger. Then, the doctor can initiate appropriate therapeutic measures.
Also the person affected can do much: how a healthy lifestyle is much movement and relaxation as well as a balanced diet as a useful tool against myalgia and as a preventive measure.
Muscle pain: Definition
Muscle pain (myalgia) are pulling, gut-wrenching and spasmodic pain in the muscles: the term myalgia is composed of the Greek words myos for muscle and algos for pain. Muscle pain can spread (diffuse) or (local) occur in a certain place of the body. Basically any of the over 600 muscles in the body can hurt.
Over 600 muscles move the body.
Not only muscle pain, but all pain are an important signal for the body. Different stimuli can trigger pain: for example, heating or cooling (thermal), pressure or shock (mechanical) as well as electrical and chemical agents. So called pain receptors are responsible for the transmission of this stimulating sensations: these are free nerve endings that lie on the surface in the skin as well as in depth – in muscles, tendons, and ligaments, as well as in the various bodies. If the pain receptors a pain stimulus to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) submit, it reaches the central nervous system as a first wertfreies signal. The central nervous system processed the appeal to an unpleasant sensation with a specific goal: the body to a follow-up response trigger, to avoid the pain.
Usually, muscle aches are harmless. Triggers are mostly muscle tension (Myogelosen) and muscle injuries. In addition, myalgia can occur as a symptom of various infectious diseases. In rare cases, diseases of the skeletal system, joint wear (arthrosis), muscular diseases, or diseases of the nervous system for pain in the muscles are responsible.
Muscle pain (myalgia) occurs with greatest frequency in the field of shoulder and neck and in the back. About 75 percent of adults in Germany suffer from back pain – 7 to 18 percent frequently or continuously.
Muscle pain: Causes
Muscle pain (myalgia) can have many different causes. Common reasons for pulling, gut-wrenching and spasmodic muscle sensations are muscle tension (Myogelosen) and muscle injuries. Less frequent triggers of muscle aches are diseases of skeletal joint wear (arthrosis), muscular diseases, or diseases of the nervous system.
Muscle tension (Myogelosis)
Muscle pain (myalgia) often occur in the context of a muscle tension (Myogelosis): this the State of stress (tonus) is increased in the muscle; the muscle is shortened and feels hard. This condition also known as muscle hard tension. The affected muscles or muscle groups are as scan painful nodules or bead and not fully way massage. Common causes of muscle tension are:
Wrong postures and lack of exercise: Too much and incorrect sitting in front of the computer or in the car and little movement can be bracing muscles and durable wrong postures. Especially in the back (back pain), and in the shoulder / neck area voltage pain manifest like himself.
Wrong movements
Weak muscles and an imbalance between different muscle groups (e.g. between abdominal and back muscles). This leads to wrong postures and false charges (primarily the spine).
Muscle injuries (strain, muscle, Muskelriss)
Insufficient development and Abwärmen in sports
In the long term, a muscle tension as well as muscle pain may cause persistent headaches and a shoulder-arm syndrome.
Muscle injuries
Muscle pain (myalgia) underlie often muscle injuries as causes. A muscle injury can occur in the following forms:
Bruises (contusion): A muscular rebound caused by exposure to outside, for example by a blow or shock onto the muscle. Well known example is the so-called “horse’s Kiss”, as many footballers and Roslyng know it. Typically, a bruise (hematoma) is formed at the injured site. A muscular rebound is expressed in most cases with very strong muscle pain. However, the violation is not bad and cures usually without complications.
Pulled muscles: The cause of a strain is mostly a distension of the corresponding muscle. This will however still not a crack of one or more muscle fibers comprise a muscle. Causes of strains are out often jerky movements, especially from unfamiliar body positions. Especially in sports that require short start and stop movement, it o