5. The Galvanic cell 2 Cu Cu aq Ag aq Ag () () + + is based on the following
cell reaction: 2 2 ( ) () 2 () ( ) Ag aq Cu s Ag s Cu aq + + +→ + . Note that T = 298
K and the standard electrode potentials are 0 2 E Cu Cu V ( , ) 0.34 + = and
0 E Ag Ag V ( , ) 0.80 + = . Which of the following statements are correct?
(i) The silver electrode is the cathode and the copper electrode is
the anode. (ii) Two moles of electrons flow through the external
circuit from anode to cathode when the cell operates. (iii) The
observed cell potential is 0.46 V. (iv) The change in Gibbs energy
for the cell reaction is -88,766 J mol-1
(a) All statements are correct.
(b) (i) only.
(c) (i) and (ii) only.
(d) (iii) and (iv) only.
(e) None of the statements are correct.
(Option (a) is correct).
6. Which of the following statements pertaining to ideal gases are
correct? (i) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule is
proportional to the absolute temperature T of the gas sample. (ii)
The ratio of the velocities by which two different types of ideal gas
molecules A and B move is given by A B
v m
v m = where m and v
denote the mass and velocity of the molecules. (iii) The average
velocity of a H2 molecule at 273 K is 2000 ms-1 if the average
velocity of an O2 molecule at this temperature is 500 ms-1
. (iv) The
heavier the gas molecule is the quicker it travels through the
(a) All statements are correct.
(b) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
(c) (iv) is correct.
(d) (iii) is correct.
(e) None of the statements are correct.
(Option (b) is correct).