3-1) Joint accreditation for international joint programs
As the European Union gets more entrenched, the promotion of cooperation between agencies becomes
increasingly important. Building up mutual trust from the perspective of the recognition of quality
assurance and accreditation assessments is a necessary element of enhancing European unity.
International accreditation enables students and academics to facilitate mobility while ensuring quality
with compliance of the QA legislation in each nation and in the European framework. As a result, the
number of joint accreditation projects involving Quality Assurance agencies from various countries and
regions is increasing, and the French agencies are determined to be at the forefront of these efforts.
3-2) Recognition of qualifications
ENIC-NARIC (European Network of Information Centers - National Academic Recognition Information
Since 2004, ENIC-NARIC France, which is attached to the International Center for Pedagogic Studies (CIEP),
has been responsible for providing information on diploma recognition. The organization prepares
certificates of recognition of study levels for foreign diplomas, obtains information regarding
procedures for recognition for French diplomas in other countries as well as information regarding