On Linux, you will need to give it executable permissions:
chmod 755 bitnami-resourcespace-6.4-1-linux.run
To begin the installation process, double-click on that file, and you will
be greeted by the 'Welcome' screen. Pressing 'Next' will take you to the
Component Selection screen, where you can select the phpMyAdmin component. This
tool intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the web.
The next screen is the Installation Folder, where you can select where Bitnami
stack will be installed. If the destination directory does not exist, it will
be created as part of the installation.
The next screen will prompt you for data necessary to create the initial
admin user:
Username and password: You will use this information to log-in into the
administrative interface. The password you provide here will also be used to
protect other parts of the installation. Please see the section named
"Usernames and Passwords" later in this document.
Real name: The name that will be displayed in the application.
Email address: Your email address. This will allow ResourceSpace to send you
lost password information.
The next screen will vary, depending on whether the ports needed by the
bundled Apache and MySQL are already taken. The default listening port for
Apache is 8080 on Linux and port 80 on Windows and for MySQL is 3006.
If those ports are already in use by other applications, you will be prompted
for alternate ports to use.
Once the information has been entered, the installation will proceed to copy
the files to the target installation directory and configure the different
components. One this process has been completed, you will see the
'Installation Finished' page. You can choose to launch Bitnami ResourceSpace
Stack at this point. If you do so, your default web browser will open and
display the Welcome page for the Bitnami ResourceSpace Stack.
If you received an error message during installation, please refer to
the Troubleshooting section.