Worldwide Refugee Health Problems
Physical issues. Malnutrition, infectious diseases, and war
injuries are common health problems of the world’s refugees.
Anemia, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, malaria, and intestinal parasites
are found in high proportions among Southeast Asian
refugees (Richardson, 1990). Acquired brain damage due to
physical trauma, torture, illness, and malnutrition is another
significant, yet under identified, health problem in refugee
children (Westermeyer, 1991).
Westermeyer’s (1991) research on malnutrition, infection,
and brain damage among refugee children is salient to school
nurses and special educators working with refugee children.
Even after resettlement, continued malnutrition placed refugee
children at risk for permanent brain damage and small
stature. When cases of maladjustment at home and school
occurred, permanent brain damage due to malnutrition or
infectious disease was often identified as a contributing factor.
Untreated ear infections caused hearing impairments. In
addition, many refugee parents new to the skill of driving
were involved in serious car accidents on arrival in America.
Their children, unrestrained by car seats or seat belts, suffered
significant injuries, including traumatic brain injury