Communication in the dental setting takes four broad forms: verbal, nonver bal, affective/paralinguistic and writ ten. Hence it is not only what dental staff may say but the way they say it, the tone of voice used, their facial expres sion, behaviour and body language which all impact on communication. Patients who have a visual impairment may not pick up on certain non-verbal aspects and may be disadvantaged. With respect to written information used in dental services few provide large print/ Braille appointment cards or informa tion sheets. One study found that, of the practices studied, 21% produced large print leaflets, 15% produced large print appointment cards and none produced information on audiotape.
Communication in the dental setting takes four broad forms: verbal, nonver bal, affective/paralinguistic and writ ten. Hence it is not only what dental staff may say but the way they say it, the tone of voice used, their facial expres sion, behaviour and body language which all impact on communication. Patients who have a visual impairment may not pick up on certain non-verbal aspects and may be disadvantaged. With respect to written information used in dental services few provide large print/ Braille appointment cards or informa tion sheets. One study found that, of the practices studied, 21% produced large print leaflets, 15% produced large print appointment cards and none produced information on audiotape.
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