cause problems for the structure. These chloride ions are seen
to be an aggressive species leading to deterioration and
durability reduction of deck constructions. In such a context,
it becomes necessary for the high strength concrete to be
replaced by the prestressed and the precast type.
Given this context, prestressed concrete slab systems are
more ideally suited for the floor and roof constuction
attempts. Especially in the case of industrial buildings these
are seen to be more desirable. They are of a more higherorder
and can also be supported within short spans of construction
times. Prestressed slabs in particular of a thickness of 660
mm are used for bridge deck constructions in the United
States [2] [3]. These slabs are parabolic and are post
tensioned. They can withstand high loads and are also
suitable for use in any span ranges, from 3 to 8 km and more.