The recitaion was simply a public oral regurgitation of the mamorized material from the lectures(NNU Catalogue 1897,7)
Oral performance by means of recitation of the Qur’ān is at the center of
Islamic corporate and individual piety. The Qur’ān is recited during the daily ṣalāt
prayer services; nightly during the Ramadan fasting month; in special recitation
sessions frequently convened in mosques, schools, and other places; and on many
special occasions, such as the openings of businesses, schools, legislative sessions,
at weddings, circumcisions, funerals, and other times. Individual Muslims also
recite the Qur’ān, for religious merit, for refl ection on its meaning, and for spiritual
refreshment. The Qur’ān is recited in competitions in some regions of the Muslim
world and champions earn fame and, potentially, wealth, because professional
reciters of high standing can command substantial fees for their performances and
their followers eagerly buy tape cassettes.
The recitaion was simply a public oral regurgitation of the mamorized material from the lectures(NNU Catalogue 1897,7)Oral performance by means of recitation of the Qur’ān is at the center ofIslamic corporate and individual piety. The Qur’ān is recited during the daily ṣalātprayer services; nightly during the Ramadan fasting month; in special recitationsessions frequently convened in mosques, schools, and other places; and on manyspecial occasions, such as the openings of businesses, schools, legislative sessions,at weddings, circumcisions, funerals, and other times. Individual Muslims alsorecite the Qur’ān, for religious merit, for refl ection on its meaning, and for spiritualrefreshment. The Qur’ān is recited in competitions in some regions of the Muslimworld and champions earn fame and, potentially, wealth, because professionalreciters of high standing can command substantial fees for their performances andtheir followers eagerly buy tape cassettes.
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