Good side of conflict
Properly managed, conflict can be beneficial
Conflict is the root of change
People learn and grow as a result of conflict
Conflict can provide diagnostic information about problem areas
After conflict, closer unity may be re-established
Bad side of conflict
Prolonged conflict can create excessive stress and be injurious to your
physical and mental health
Conflict diverts time, energy and money away from reaching important
Conflict often results in self interest at the expense of the organisation
Intensive conflict may result in lies and distorted information
The second point is not whether conflict is present, for it will be present in any relationship, but that it must be resolved. Conflict is present in both situations, but only in the first does the supervisor manage to resolve the conflict.
The third point, as illustrated in the first situation, is that conflict is the source of change. Conflict Cycles
Conflict occurs whenever the concerns of two people appear to be incompatible. As a process, conflict begins when one party in an interaction perceives that another has prevented his/her needs from being met.
Conflict is a cyclical process. Overt conflict usually occurs only periodically when people's contrary values or goals surface through a triggering event.
The underlying issues lie dormant until something happens to trigger conflict behaviour. Once triggered, the conflict usually becomes less pronounced over time, and the issues may not be apparent until the next triggering event causes the cycle to repeat itself.