To guarantee the stability and
accuracy of RFID tag detection and identification with in the finite time, the power of antenna and reader are always on. The mode of the Thing Magic RFID reader is set as Auto Mode which indicates that a 500 milliseconds time period consists of 250 milliseconds querying for tag and 250 milliseconds with RF off. The protocol for RFID antenna to communicate with RFIDtag is EPC Global Generation 2. In addition,
the Thing Magic RFID reader provides the
Ethernet port and can connect to the
IP-based network directly. In this paper, a
DHCP service is adopted for the network.
Considering the performance of RFID
tag, two types of the IST’s tag with size
4.40”X4.125” that for polyester and that
adhesive to glass are used. Fig. 9 shows the
tag used in Modular RFID Parking
Management System