(2001) Taiwanese study
argue that the impact on lifestyle, discomfort associated
with treatment, fear of being a family burden and loss of
hope of recovery may contribute to an attempt. Although
interpersonal problems were a leading cause of suicide
attempts in younger and older age cohorts in the Korean
study by Kim et al. (2011), physical illness explained more
suicide attempts in the elderly group. Even after controlling
for depression, anxiety and substance use disorders,
the presence of physical illness and chronic pain was
associated with increased risk of suicide attempts. Kim
(2014) found many of their elderly Korean participants
suffered greater physical, psychological and relationship
strain after their attempt.
The Israeli study by Bergman Levy et al. (2011) found
an association between physical illness and the increased
risk of suicide attempts through several possible modes of
interaction. Disorders mainly of the central nervous system
directly increased the risk, while the physiological
effects of the disorder that may contribute to severity of
depression and physical illness were directly related to
increased psychosocial distress. Lebret et al. (2006) who
A theory of suicide
offers a multifacetede
framework from which to
advance our understanding
of this phenomenon
and develop effective
suicidologi nr 3/2015 7
Attempted Suicide in Older People: A Review of the Evidence. By Kate Deuter and Nicholas Procter
studied older French suicide attempters found that being
older than 75 years, hospital stay over 35 days associated
with physical illness, previous suicide attempt, pre-existing
physical impairment, serious physical consequences
of the attempt, several physical illnesses or medical treatments
and a past history of psychiatric illness other than
depression significantly affected overall survival and
survival without repeat attempts. Prior to their attempt,
many of the older participants interviewed by Crocker et
al. (2006) felt they had lost control, particularly where
health, mobility, social status and social support and
changing life circumstances were concerned