Neuroendocrinology 90 Pancreas 101
Blood Hormone Concentration 91 Testes and Ovaries 106
Hormone-Receptor Interaction 92 Hormonal Control of Substrate Mobilization
Hormone: Regulation and Action 95 During Exercise 109
Hypothalamus and the Pituitary Gland 95 Muscle-Glycogen Utization 109
Thyroid Gland 98 Blood Glucose Homeostasis
Parathyroid Gland 98 During Exercise 111
Adrenal Gland 98 Hormone-Substrate Interaction 118
As presented in chap. 4, the fuels for muscular ex aercise include muscle glycogen and fat, plasma glucose and free fatty acides, and to a lesser extent, amino acids.These fuels must be provided at an optimal rate for activities as diverse as the 400-meter run and the 26-mole, 385-yard marathon, or performance will suffer.