lfirst met Stella on aten-hourflightto Rome. She
was the last person to board the plane and it just so
happened that she sat next to me.
Stella is a very graceful woman in her late
forties. She has got striking green eyes and the
most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Stella has a
taste for expensive designer clothes and always
dresses elegantly.
Stella has a warm personality and is a very
optimistic person. People feel relaxed when they
are in her company and this is no surprise because
she always looks on the bright side of liJe. However.
she can be a bit forgetful at times. For example. she
often forgets people's birthdays but her close friends
don't mind.
One of Stella's greatest interests is cooking.
She loves to give dinner parties and rs well-known
forthe exotic dishes she makes. She's also keen on
pottery and has even sold a few of her pieces to
local shops. Stella is one of those rare people who
are good at everything they do.
All in all, Stella is a truly remarkable person. I feel
very fortunate to have her in my life.