A flexible model for biological control of a plant pathogen affecting host flowers is developed which takesinto account the transfer of both the plant pathogen and the biological control agent (BCA) from the leavesto flowers. Because flowers, other than in ornamental plants, are largely ephemeral, the emphasis in anal-ysis is on the rates of transfer and establishment on flowers. The form of the model analysed dependsupon: the pattern of flowering for a particular host plant, a single instantaneous flush or continuous sea-sonal production; the effect of flowering phenology and morphology on transfer of both the pathogenand BCA; and the transient dynamics of such transfer. In the case of a single instantaneous flush, therelative importance of mycoparasitism and competition in protecting flowers during their short periodof blooming is assessed. Where flowering is continuous but transfer lags behind because of floral pheno-logy or morphology, a comparison is made between the initial levels of the pathogen and the BCA as theytransfer to the flowers, depending again on the relative contribution of mycoparasitism and competitionover the extended period of blooming. Differential rates of transfer of the pathogen and the BCA, depend-ing on their time-dependent population densities on leaves, have a major impact on eventual biocontroloutcomes. The model results are used to analyse biocontrol strategies for contrasting host-pathogen sys-tems which show different flowering patterns and biological control mechanisms. For Erwinia amylovoracausing fireblight in pome fruit trees, an inundative biocontrol strategy targeting flowers is supported.In Botrytis cinerea, there is considerable potential for a strategy based on the establishment of BCAs onleaves for some of the plant hosts affected.