Fast, simple, easy to explain
Least expensive
Suitable for small organizations
New jobs can be slotted into a grade easily
Compensable factors (criteria) give basis for comparisons
Can clearly communicate what is valued.
Become unwieldy as the number of jobs increases.
Lacks criteria for comparisons and subjective
Assumes equal intervals among ranks
The standards used for comparison among grades can be very subjective
Some jobs can fit in more than one grade
Can become bureaucratic and rule-bound.
Simply orders the job descriptions from highest to lowest based on a global definition of relative value or contribution to organizational success
1. Alternation ranking: order job descriptions alternately at each extreme (e.g., which jobs are most and least valuable, then thee next most and least valuable jobs?)
2. Paired Comparison: uses a matrix to compare all possible pairs of jobs. The most frequently judged “more valuable” become the highest ranked job and so on