Hey, hey, keep your eyes closed, all right?"
Giving a nod to indicate his consent, Akashi kept his multicolored eyes closed and allowed Momoi to lead him. Distantly he heard something ticking down, a sort of countdown, and could feel the humid air, grass soft under his feet.
She had forbidden him to looked at his phone for a few days, saying that if anyone needed anything, she’d be sure to alert him. The calenders in his home were all gone or covered up and she made sure he couldn’t uncover any of them.
Even then, Akashi was able to keep track of the days still, with or without a calender. But he didn’t tell Momoi, knew she had gave it her best attempt to surprise him.
"Sit here!"
He obeyed and was glad to feel a picnic blanket beneath him, a separation from him and wet grass and soft mud. Beside him he felt Momoi sit down and waited until she murmured ‘you can open them now,’ looking up to the sky just in time to see fireworks illuminating the darkness.
There was a celebration for something or another that Akashi hadn’t paid too much attention, but he noticed immediately that Momoi perked up and denied that she did when questioned.
"Aren’t they pretty?"
He smiled. “They are.”
She knew that he liked to watch the fireworks, said they made him feel calm, and that was the reason for her attempt to have him forget the day of the show so she could surprise him.
The only downside he could think of was that he had wanted to surprise her.